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Let's Build Something Together

Hi, I'm Wasim

A Front-End Web Developer

I’m focused on building responsive front-end web applications while learning back-end technologies.


Who I Am

Hi there!, I’m Wasim, a curious software developer who’s trying to get a bit better every day.

I have always had a knack for technology and working with computers. Fascinated with how intricate programming can be I was quickly drawn to learn more. I started learning javascript and was even more enthused with making websites interactive.

I’m very dedicated to learn new things and to truly believe that you should never stop learning. I enjoy creating different things, whether that be websites, application or anything in between.

I’m always looking for new opportunities to expand my understanding of web design and development, so you’ll generally find me sipping a delicious cup of coffee with my nose in a good “technical” book or plugged into my laptop drooling over all of the beauty the web has to offer. I hope to join a team of talented individuals I can learn from and build engaging digital experiences with.

Check out some of my latest projects



What I Can Do










Node JS








What I've Built



Get In Touch


Wasim Baig

Front End Developer

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question, or just want to connect.

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